Traveling WOD Week. We’re switching things up a little by “dropping in” to a different CrossFit box for the next six days. We’ll be borrowing workouts from other CrossFit gyms each day, carefully selected to fit in with our usual training template. Some will be from local boxes, some from far away. Our first will be in honor of our most senior or members. Bob Gray turns 70 today. Wish him a happy B-Day when you seen him.
This workout comes from CrossFit Cadre in Hudson, OH. Cadre is owned by Mike Richards and Jason Welch. I have not met them personally but they have a great reputation in the community.
Skill or strength
15 min to find max squat clean and jerk
2 rounds
40 wall ball
20 toe to bar
10 clean and jerk (135/95)
20 min cap
AfterWOD: 70’s surprise
Sneak Peek for the week. We’ll announce the gym we are “visiting” the night before.
Tuesday: Deadlifts, bar facing burpees and box jumps, for 8-10 minutes. From a long standing local box.
Wednesday: A core/ab killer from a tropical paradise.
Thursday: Deadlifts, heavy, come get some. Destination unknown.
Friday: Upper body strength and a nasty met con, from Fremont, California
Saturday: The worst one yet, from the original CF Santa Cruz