LIVE CLASSES at the gym, with our normal CrossFit Class Schedule, starting at 5:00am. We will continue to ease everyone back into the gym, but we’ll be adding some heavier weights into the mix. Don’t forget to RSVP to a class time. Please don’t simply show up thinking there will be room for you. You must RSVP to reserve your spot.
Wednesday’s LIVE Workout: Front Squats 5-5-5-5-5 followed by a Wall Ball Shot finisher
Thursday’s LIVE Workout: Rowing or Running and Pushups, for about 20 minutes
Friday’s LIVE Workout: Deck of Cards. Show up and see the movements
CrossFit At-Home Workout
We are continuing our “Repeat Cycle” of the past 10 weeks of At Home Workouts. Today we are repeating the workout from Wednesday 04/22/20. You can compare your results.
If you are not a current member and are enjoying our daily At-Home Workouts, please consider supporting our efforts during this forced shutdown.
If you are unfamiliar with the warmup or workout and need to see demonstrations of any of the movements, please watch the video before attending the online class or doing the workout on your own.