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We are NOW OPEN with LIVE CLASSES at the gym, with our normal CrossFit Class Schedule, starting at 5:00am. The clock is back on this week, but we will continue to ease everyone back into the gym. Think of this as “Spring Training”, where we will be getting back to barbell basics before upping the intensity in the coming weeks. Don’t forget to RSVP to a class time. Please don’t simply show up thinking there will be room for you. You must RSVP to reserve your spot.
Monday’s LIVE Workout: An Empty & Light Barbell Complex of Hang Power Cleans, Front Squats and Hang Squat Cleans
Tuesday’s LIVE Workout: A Light Barbell Complex of Bent Over Rows & Deadlifts, Sumo & Traditional
Wednesday’s LIVE Workout: An Empty & Light Barbell Complex of Push Presses & Thrusters
Thursday’s LIVE Workout: A Mid-Week Grinder of KB Swings & ?
Friday’s LIVE Workout: Friday Surprise with
CrossFit At-Home Workout
We are continuing our “Repeat Cycle” of the past 10 weeks of At Home Workouts. Today we are repeating the workout from Monday 03/30/20. You can compare your results.
If you are not a current member and are enjoying our daily At-Home Workouts, please consider supporting our efforts during this forced shutdown. https://bit.ly/2L6oy8k_contribute
We have two Virtual CrossFit Classes online Monday for our current members at 7:00am and 6:00pm, or you can do this workout on your own from anywhere. See below for the link to join the class using Zoom technology.
If you are unfamiliar with the warmup or workout and need to see demonstrations of any of the movements, please watch the video before attending the online class or doing the workout on your own.
Warmup: 9 minutes of
10 shoulder circles
15 stepping high knees
20 standing calf raises w/pause
15 plank jack+shoulder tap R&L
10 bumper plate squats, or use
a heavy book or Abmat
Workout: Tabata Intervals
20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
x 8 intervals per movement
Thrusters – Light/medium
Hollow rocks or hollow rolls
L.R.C. Crunches (L+R+C=1)
Thrusters – Light/medium (or Air Squats)
** Scaling recommendation, in the 5th/last round, do regular air squats instead of weighted thrusters
Perform all eight(8) 20-second intervals of one movement before beginning the next.
Scoring: Record total number of reps completed of each set of exercises, Example
Bill: 71-42-38-34-55 – 25lb gym bag
Cool Down:
3 minutes, max situps, any style
(-; Since we missed this Saturday 
Use this link to log in at 7:00AM or 6:00PM. Please be prompt, we will start right on time.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 584 913 2404