CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 03/25/2020

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We have five Virtual CrossFit Classes online Wednesday for our current members, 5:30am, 7:00am, 9:15am, 4:30pm & 6:00pm, or you can do this workout on your own from anywhere. See below for the link to join the class using Zoom technology.
New starting today, we have a CrossFit Kids Virtual Workout at 2:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please use the same Zoom link as our Online Virtual CrossFit Class listed below. Coach Courtney will lead a one hour class involving a warmup, workout, brain buster, and cool down! The classes will be geared to six years and older, but, using parent discretion, all ages are welcome. Parents are not needed to join in on the class, but are welcome to do the workout as well
Online Virtual CrossFit Class via Zoom and At-Home Workout
If you are unfamiliar with the warmup or workout and need to see demonstrations of any of the movements, please watch the video before attending the online class or doing the workout on your own.
Warmup: 3 rounds or 10-12 minutes of
50 – Single under or ropeless/pogos
5 – Walkout + Burpee
5 – Tempo Bumper Plate Squat
w/ bus driver R&L (bottom)
Tempo = 10 5 x 2
10 second lowering(eccentric)
5 second pause w/bus driver R&L
Stand quickly(concentric)
2 second pause between reps
Workout at Home:
Tempo Goblet Squats – 5-5-5-5-5
Tempo = 10 5 x 2
Every 4 minutes
20-35Lbs Men / 10-25lbs Women
Increase or stay the same each round
* Perform 90 seconds of LRC crunches between each round
AfterWOD & Cool Down:
Max air squats in 3 minutes then
3-5 Min. Legs up the Wall Pose
Use this link to log in at one of the following times. Please be prompt, we will start right on time. 5:30AM – 7:00AM 9:15am — 4:30PM – 6:00PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 584 913 2404


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