LIVE CLASSES at the gym, with our normal CrossFit Class Schedule, starting at 5:00am. Don’t forget to RSVP to a class time. Please don’t simply show up thinking there will be room for you. You must RSVP to reserve your spot.
Thursday’s LIVE Workout: Mid-Week Recovery/Grinder
Friday’s LIVE Workout: Friday Surprise – Show up and see.
Workout: At Home Version:
Warmup: 8 reps each for 8 minutes
CrossFit Cleveland AB Routine +
Shoulder Rollout – PVC
Flutter Kick 4-count
Plank Jack
Bicycle Crunch
Workout: Tabata Intervals
20 seconds of work + 10 seconds of rest x 8 for
Double Unders or High Pogos
Renegade Rows
Backward Goblet Lunges
Ring or Box/bench Dips
Double Unders or High Pogos
* Run 200 meters plus 30 seconds rest between each round. Example, do all 8 20-second intervals of Double unders, record total reps, run 200 meters and rest 30 seconds. Next do all 8 20-second intervals of Renegage Rows, record total reps, run 200 meters and rest 30 seconds, continue through the remaining movements. No 200 meter run after the final set of 8 Dubs.
Cool Down: Max reps in 3 minutes of any movement from the Warmup