Strength: Thruster 10-10-10-10, no racks
Increase weight each round as long as you maintain full depth and good form. Perform two 10-rep warmup sets with an empty bar. Men’s opening work set at 65 or 75lbs and women’s at 45 or 55lbs. Use a fifth set if needed to find 10 rep max. The bar can be rested in the rack position during your set, but not placed on the floor.
Conditioning: 75 wall ball shots for time, performing 5 burpees at the start of each minute. There is a time cap of 8 minutes. Men: 20lb to 10 feet.Women: 14lb/ to 9 feet. Scale weight if needed, target height is priority.
Warmup: CrossFit Warmup 10 reps each x 2 rounds plus one 500 meter run at any time.
Additional Mobility: Wrist stretches