AMRAP in 18 minutes, plus finish the round you are in, of
12 DB backward stepping lunge (6R/6L)
10 DB floor press
8 DB hang squat clean
6 DB renegade row pushup
Perform 50 bicycle crunches after every 3 rounds.
Rx’d weight: 30lb DB’s-Men/20lb DB’s-Women. Scale as needed.
Jacked: You determine the weight above the Rx’d #s
Record total number of rounds completed and weight of DBs.
Warmup: 1000 meter row or run then
3 rounds of
10 – Band good morning
10 – Band shoulder rollout
10 – Band overheat squat
10 – Band resist pushup
10 second lunge stretch with side bend R&L
Cool Down: Coach’s Choice