LIVE CLASSES at the gym, with our normal CrossFit Class Schedule, starting at 5:00am. Don’t forget to RSVP to a class time. Please don’t simply show up thinking there will be room for you. You must RSVP to reserve your spot. If you miss the RSVP cutoff to reserve your spot, you may show up if there is room in a class but it’s first come, first served.
The cutoff for removing your RSVP will be 8:00pm the evening before all A.M. classes and 2:00pm the afternoon of all P.M. classes. You will still be able to RSVP to a class up to 30 minutes before any class starts. Please do not show up for a class without reserving your spot.
WODhopper now has a confirmation feature when you reserve a spot is a class, fixing the problem of unknowingly adding yourself to a class with an inadvertent tap on your screen. You will see a prompt asking you to confirm your RSVP.
* You will be charged a No-Show fee if you RSVP to a class and miss it, regardless of the class size. If you are uncertain of your plans, please wait to reserve your spot until closer to the class time. You can RSVP to a class up to 30 minutes prior to the start. If you need to unRSVP after the cutoff, please text our main business number 216-812-7841 prior to the start of the class to avoid the fee.
Sneak Peek for the Week:
Monday’s LIVE Workout: A typical Monday Grinder with rowing, DHR pushups and an empty barbell.
Tuesday’s LIVE Workout: Strict press to a 5RM then Push Press Jackie
Wednesday’s LIVE Workout: Hang cleans 10-10-10-10-10 plus a spicy finisher
Thursday’s LIVE Workout: Recovery Grinder, .
Friday’s LIVE Workout: Friday Surprise, show up and see what’s on the board.
Saturday: 10th Anniversary Workout in our Rocky River location, Fight Gone Bad, baby!
Box Bingo started Saturday 11/19/2022. Get your Bingo Card at the gym and start checking off squares. Names are drawn for prizes every Saturday, with a Grand Prize winner at the end. The more boxes you check, the more chances. you have to win. Bob O. & Coach Christian were our two prize winner last Saturday. More details at the gym