Don’t forget to RSVP to a class time. Please don’t simply show up thinking there will be room for you. You must RSVP to reserve your spot.
The cutoff for removing your RSVP will be 8:00pm the evening before all A.M. classes and 2:00pm the afternoon of all P.M. classes. If you accidentally RSVP for the wrong class after the unRSVP cutoff time has passed, please text 216-812-7841 right away and we’ll remove you.
* You will be charged a No-Show fee if you RSVP to a class and miss it. If you are uncertain of your plans, please wait to reserve your spot until you are certain. You can now RSVP to a class up to 15 minutes prior to the start.
If you need to unRSVP after the cutoff, please text our main business number 216-812-7841 prior to the start of the class to possibly avoid the fee, if the class is not full.
Sneak Peek for the Week:
Monday: We’re taking on a Full Marathon Row as our Monday WOD today. You can choose to do it by yourself, or pick a few people to team up with in your class and complete either a Full (42,200 meters) or a Half (21,100 meters) Marathon Row as a team. Please allow for more than the usual time to complete the workout today. There will be an alternate workout for those who need to stick with a one-hour class time.
We’re starting the Ruck Every Day for 30 Days Challenge again this month. Score sheets will be at the gym. The minimum is just 10 minutes a day carrying at least 10 pounds. Of course you can do longer rucks with more weight, but the minimum is all you need to do to stay in the challenge. Who’s in?
Tuesday: Heavy barbell push presses with a spicy finisher
Wednesday: Heavy deadlifts, traditional stance, to a 2RM & pullup strength work
Thursday: Active Recovery Grinder
Friday’s LIVE Workout: Friday Surprise, show up and see what’s on the board.