CrossFit Cleveland Workout – Monday 02/17/2025

Don’t forget to RSVP to a class time. Please don’t simply show up thinking there will be room for you. You must RSVP to reserve your spot.

The cutoff for removing your RSVP will be 8:00pm the evening before all A.M. classes and 2:00pm the afternoon of all P.M. classes. If you accidentally RSVP for the wrong class after the unRSVP cutoff time has passed, please text 216-812-7841 right away and we’ll remove you. 

* You will be charged a No-Show fee if you RSVP to a class and miss it.  If you are uncertain of your plans, please wait to reserve your spot until you are certain. You can now RSVP to a class up to 15 minutes prior to the start. 

If you need to unRSVP after the cutoff, please text our main business number 216-812-7841 prior to the start of the class to possibly avoid the fee, if the class is not full.

Sneak Peek for the Week:

Monday: A Monday Grinder with a jump rope, goblet squats, pushups and pullups, for 20 minute, with some rest built in.  Come and bring your best game to tackle this Monday WOD!

Tuesday: Shoulder press to a 5RM into Push press to a 3RM, with a spicy finisher

Wednesday: Deadlifts, 5×3 at 80%+ of 1RM, with a skill option

Thursday: Active Recovery Grinder

Friday’s LIVE Workout: Friday Surprise, show up and see what’s on the board.

Saturday:  Normal hours all morning with a bonus for all classes.  Staci recently met a person who started a new weekly meal prep service, and she’s really good.  We’ll have samples for you to taste before and after all morning classes, plus an option to purchase a few packaged meals at a special rate for you to enjoy next week.

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