CrossFit Cleveland 2019 Reset – Kickoff Video

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CrossFit Cleveland 2019 Reset

Welcome to the CrossFit Cleveland 2019 Reset. This is a 30-day challenge to help you develop better habits and build a better you. We’ll kick off the Reset starting on Monday January 7, 2019. Everyone is welcome to participate. If you find this a little overwhelming, please keep in mind that will be several options to modify and simplify your Reset. It’s not about winning points, it’s about developing better habits for a healthier life.

We focus on improving our habits in three key areas, Sleep, Nutrition and Exercise. You will track points per day determined by your choices, along with a few of ours. You will develop better habits and improve your overall health and wellness by eliminating activities that have a negative impact on your life and adding activities that promote a positive impact on your life. Include your personal objective for this Reset.

You have an opportunity to earn 6 points for Sleep, up to 5 points for Nutrition and up to 4 points for Exercise activity. You also have an opportunity to earn up to 2 Bonus Points per day for additional activities that you feel contribute to your personal objective.

First, there’s sleep. You will earn 6 points if you get between 7 and 9 hours sleep per day. This includes naps and ‘sleep opportunity’ time as defined by sleep scientist Matthew Walker, PhD. Sleep Opportunity is the number of hours in which you give yourself the best chance of sleep, meaning that you’re in bed, your eyes are closed, and your phone is, preferably, turned off and stowed far away. You will not necessarily sleep this entire time, but at least you’ll be giving yourself the chance.

Next, there’s nutrition. You begin each day with 5 points and you subtract points for each ‘miss’ of your stated DOs or DON’Ts, We’ll call these ‘targets”. You choose up to four targets that are important to you and that will support your objective. Your primary target must be equal to at least 2 points. In reality, it’s a minus 2 points. A perfect score for the day would be 5 points. You deduct points each time you ‘miss’ a stated target each day.

For example, I am choosing to eliminate alcohol as my primary target. If I have any alcohol, I deduct 2 points from my score that day. My additional three targets are “No processed or added sugar”, “Drink at least 80 ounces of water” and “take all vitamins and 3000mg of Fish Oil every day.” I assigned a value of 1 point to each of these three additional targets.

Next, there’s exercise. You will earn up to 4 points per day for exercise activity. You will earn 3 points if you attend out Workout of the Day at CrossFit Cleveland. You may count up to two additional activities, earning 1 point each, in addition to or instead of our WOD
per day, for a daily total of up to 4 points. Activities may include 10,000 steps, 30 minutes of steady state cardio, 20 minute Strength session, 20 minute Skills session, or play a sport or vigorous activity. The activities can differ each day.

Finally, there are Bonus Points. You may count up to two additional activities of your choice per day, earning 1 point each. Activities may include posting in our Facebook Reset Support Group, participating in our Weekly Accountability Zoom Meeting (online), 30 minutes of mobility, stretching or soft tissue work. 30 minutes of meditation. A random act of kindness. A 1-mile walk or ruck, or a healthy/restorative activity that means something to you. Remember, you are developing good habits to promote a positive impact on your life.

You track your points each day and post your total in our shared Google Docs Scorecard. This scorecard also tracks your daily average throughout the Reset. You are also encouraged to post comments, questions and other motivating ideas in our Facebook Reset Support Group. If you need links to the Google Docs Scorecard and/or Facebook Reset group, please email

If this is too much for you to handle, there is a viable option. Remember, our goal is to have everyone be able to participate in developing better habits for a healthier life. If you can’t see yourself focusing on and tracking so many aspect of this Reset, simply pick one. Choose ”Exercise” or “Nutrition” and focus on that aspect. All the above instructions/rules apply, but just for one area. You may find that after a week or two, you’ll want to expand what you are tracking. The bottom line is that you’ll be working on better habits in a deliberate fashion. A small win is still a win.



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