Coach Comments from today’s Virtual CrossFit Class

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We start our 14th year as a CrossFit Affiliate this week. What a time to celebrate an anniversary, huh?
Staci and I are thankful for all the support from everyone in keeping our community together and strong. Here is a video capturing a few comments I made during today’s Virtual Class.
We’re taking extra care to make the workouts challenging, effective and safe with a limited amount of equipment to work with. Think of this as a ‘de-load’ cycle where we can focus on developing skills and adding different training modalities to our programming. Our aim is to have you better when we reopen, and not scrambling to catch up.
If you are doing workouts you find online or making up your own, please be careful how you string them together and don’t over do it. Sometimes less is more, and this is one of those times.
If you make nutrition your major focus, you’ll benefit more than trying to up your workout game. You can’t overdo bettering your nutrition. Don’t forget your sleep. 7 to 9 hours every day.
Please take advantage of our Coaching Calls. These calls are free to current members. We can help you with workouts using the equipment you have or make suggestions on how you can use your equipment and environment to your best advantage. We can help with nutrition and meal prep tips and keep you accountable to what ever you need support doing. If you just need to talk, shoot the shit or blow off some steam, we can do that too.
Thank you again for making CrossFit Cleveland the best community ever. #CFCtogetherStrong


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