This challenge is certain to make you better at several movements and skills that will have carry-over to many other exercises. As a bonus, you’ll become grittyAF.
Watch the video to learn more about the challenge and all the rules to follow. I made this video a couple years ago, so please ignore the dates I mention.
We’ll have score sheets printed at the gym, or you can print the attached file. If you are repeating for the 2nd, 3rd or umpteenth time, you can choose alternate movements/exercises this time around. If you do, let me know and I can make you a custom score sheet with your movements..
100 Days of Suck is a CrossFit Cleveland Original, originating in August 2012, and has since been adopted by many other gyms. Please feel free to share it with a friend outside the gym, and challenge them to do it with you.
If you have any questions, ask any of our coaches, or comment here. Don’t worry if you can’t start this week, it’s easy to catch up if you start a week or two late. Enjoy!
Here is a link to the PDF file of the Score Sheet. Let me know if you are substituting any movements would like me to edit this sheet to include your choices. cfcleveland100daysofSUCK_2023 – Google Sheets