CrossFit Cleveland
CrossFit Workout – Monday 10/07/2019
Baby Induction Day Workout. We hope to see the new daddy in for this one, by his request???? 1x BW deadlifts, backward goblet lunges and
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 10/01/2019
Hang power cleans, rows/runs and planks, for 16-25 minutes.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 09/30/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Front squats, rowing and ?, in 4 minute intervals, with 2 minutes rest. Never miss a Monday Sneak Peek for the Week: Tuesday: Hang power
CrossFit Workout – Monday 09/23/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Never Miss a Monday. This week, a play off “Helen+” with something other than pullups. Show up and see what’s on the board. Sneak Peek
CrossFit Workout – Saturday 09/21/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A typical Saturday DB Grinder that can be performed solo or in 2 or 3 person teams.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
CrossFit Workout – Friday 09/20/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Week-ending endurance work with strict pushups, an empty barbell, footwork and short runs. Be there.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Crossfit Workout – Thursday 09/19/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Barbell Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
CrossFit Workout – Monday 09/16/2019
Medium weight sumo deadlifts, toes to bar, short runs/rows and ? For just short of 20 minutes. Never miss a Monday. Sneak Peek for the
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 09/11/2019
Show up and see the 9/11 Tribute Workout on the Whiteboard.
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 09/10/2019
400M runs, DB snatches and DB squats, fast and furious
Heather is making great progress at the gym, read what she has to say.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Take your First Step to a better you. Schedule a brief meeting to talk about your situation and goals. One of our owner/coaches
CrossFit Workout – Monday 09/09/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pullup Strength work followed by a Double Tabata conditioning workout consisting of rowing, KB swings, air squats, jump rope and abmat situps. Sneak Peek for
CrossFit Workout – Saturday 09/07/2019
Playground WOD, for points. 8:00am vs. 9:00am vs. 10:00am
CrossFit Workout – Friday 09/06/2019
Pullup isometric strength work plus KB/DB accessory work.
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 09/03/2019
Building to a heavy set of power snatches then a fast and furious dose of hang power snatches and burpees. Sneak Peek for the Week:
CrossFit Workout – Monday 09/02/2019
Labor Day Workout at 9:00am ONLY. Enjoy the holiday with your family and friends ????
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 08/27/2019
Hang power cleans and push presses, fast and furious
CrossFit Workout – Monday 08/26/2019
Your usual Monday grinder, with dumbbells and some running. Be there. Sneak Peek for the Week: Tuesday: Hang Power cleans and push presses, fast and
CrossFit Workout – Friday 08/23/2019
Deck of Cards, for cardiac output. 30 minutes, steady state cardio.
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 08/21/2019
A full body grinder, using just your body weight, NOT for time. Don’t miss it.
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 08/20/3019
Two WOD Tuesday One you have a hint about, and one you don’t. Show up and join the party.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 08/19/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]AMRAP in 16 minutes of 3 Sumo deadlift (1x BW) or 50% or 1RM 6 DB Floor Press 9 DB Goblet squat 12 DB weighted
CrossFit Workout – Friday 08/16/2019
Max effort row sprints plus ab/core and inverted work. If you missed “Squats All Day” on Thursday, you can choose to do it today instead.
CrossFit Workout – Thursday 08/15/2019
Heavy squats. You pick front, back or overhead and we pick the rep scheme. Skill option available also.
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 08/14/2019
DB neutral grip bench press followed by a Heavy Annie Mile.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 08/12/2019
KB SDHPs, DHR Pushups and running/rowing, for about 20 minutes. Be there!
CrossFit Workout – Saturday 08/10/2019
Reduce Muscle Soreness with CBD
Here is a very informative article on CBD by Elizabeth Blasi of AAPTIV Taking over our health food stores, beauty products, and even the treats
CrossFit Workout – Thursday 08/08/2019
DB Push Press 7-7-7-max in 30 seconds, plus a mid-week Grinder
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 08/07/2019
A little switch in the action. Deadlifts today, and the mid-week Grinder Thursday.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 08/05/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]1x BW Sumo deadlifts and DB floor presses, ,with meters mixed in. Never miss a Monday! Sneak Peak for the week: Tuesday: Grace or Isabel,
CrossFit Workout – Saturday 08/03/2019
i [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]30 Minute “Buddy” Workout[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
CrossFit Workout – Friday 08/02/2019
Cycling hang cleans, ring dips, superman rocks and double unders.
CrossFit Workout – Thursday 08/01/2019
Running & rowing with toes to bar and burpee box jumps, as promised. After half-kneeling DB presses.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 07/29/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A thinned down version of a recent CrossFit Main Site Workout with rowing, pullups, pushups and squats, with a running option available. Sneak Peek for
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 07/24/2019
Deadlift Stamina WOD at 60% followed by a sporty little conditioning piece.
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 07/23/2019
Power snatch heavy single then Power snatches and 200M runs, fast and furious.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 07/22/2019
4 rounds(5 minutes each) plus rest, of 15 Front squat 95/65 12 Toes to bar /KTE/KR 9 Burpee broad jump Jump Rope to 5:00 and
CrossFit Workout – Friday 07/19/2019
Isometric Strength work followed by a sporty KB swing & plank hold workout.
CrossFit Workout – Thursday 07/18/2019
1,000 Rep Thursday! Show up and see the choices, it’s not do bad. Really. ????
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 07/17/2019
Thrusters and max effort row sprints, with rest in between rounds
CrossFit Cleveland 5K Plus+ 2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Saturday July 20, 2019 starting at 8:00am, 9:00am and 10:00am, and a Beginner version at 11:00am CrossFit Cleveland 5K Plus+ Sure you can run,
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 07/16/2019
A minor twist on a recent CrossFit Main Site Workout. Don’t forget, this Saturday 7/20 is our 2019 CF Cleveland 5K Plus. This year everyone
CrossFit Workout – Monday 07/15/2019
Deadlifts, pullups and 400M runs, from a recent CrossFit Main Site WOD. Box Bingo starts today and runs through Labor Day Saturday. Grab a board,
CrossFit Workout – Friday 07/12/2019
Deck of Cards – Down Ladder Version. Something new and different. Be there!????
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 07/08/2019
60-second weighted plank holds, followed by a fast and furious KB swing and burpee workout.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 07/08/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]1–>10–>1 Pryamid of Wall ball shots, situps and 2x double unders, 4x backward singles or 6x single unders, you choose. #nevermissaMonday Sneak Peek for the
CrossFit Workout – Saturday 07/06/2019
CrossFit Workout – Friday 07/05/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Friday Surprise. Show up and see what’s on the Whiteboard.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
CrossFit Workout – Thursday 07/04/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are closed all day Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. Take a real rest day and enjoy the holiday. Normal hours resume
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 07/03/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A reminder that we are closed all day Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. Take a real rest day and enjoy the holiday.
CrossFit Workout – Monday 07/01/2019
20 minute AMRAP of Goblet lunges, burpee broad jumps and short runs. Be there! Sneak Peek for the Week Tuesday: Barbell-based posterior chain work then
CrossFit Workout – Friday 06/28/2019
Deadlifts, pushups, air squats and a little running, with planned rest periods mixed in. Be there. We’re having a sale on Clean Remedies Hemp Extract
CrossFit Workout – Monday 06/24/2019
21-15-12-9 reps of Front squat 95/65 Pushup Pullup Sneak Peek for the Week: Tuesday: CF Main Site w/power cleans, plank holds and runs. Wednesday: Front
CrossFit Workout – Friday 06/21/2019
Barbell push presses, ball slams and GHD situps, and 400 meter runs, for a little over 20 minutes. Be here! If you missed Thursday’s deadlift
CrossFit Workout – Thursday 06/20/2019
Deadlift 5-5-5-2-2-2 to 2 RM Traditional/OLY or Sumo stance, you choose.
CrossFit Workout – Wednesday 06/19/2019
Two-WOD Wednesday Starting with a recent CF Main Site Skills WOD followed by a “Big Helen”, including muscle-ups for those who can do them. Scaling
CrossFit Workout – Tuesday 06/18/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A Comptrain WOD today, “Bartender”. With a barbell complex buildup consisting of snatch grip deadlifts, hang power snatches and overhead squats. Our typical Tuesday, Fast
CrossFit Workout – Monday 06/17/2019
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pullup strength work followed by a spicy interval mix of handstand pushups, single-leg deadlifts, KB SDHPs and mountain jacks. Never Miss a Monday! Sneak Peek
CrossFit Workout – Friday 06/14/2019
Friday Funday, sort of. Running, sumo deadlifts and box overs, for time. You’ll have some fun when you are done????
CrossFit Workout – Thursday 06/13/2019
Overhead Strength Day followed by a Mid-Week Grinder. Rowing, jump rope and ? Be there, especially if you are a bit sore. This one will